Pre-Lollapalooza Prep: My Lolla Arsenal



With Lollapalooza just around the corner, it’s time to stop daydreaming about dancing in the summer sun and figure out the logistics: what am I bringing with me? While I consider myself an up-and-coming avid concert goer, a music festival on this scale is still uncharted territory for me. Nonetheless, I have compiled a list of what I think will be Lollapalooza must-haves.

  1. Sundresses: A light sundress should help keep me cool and comfortable without sacrificing a cute look.

  2. Comfy Shoes: While I may start off the day in cute sandals, walking and the possibility of mud definitely warrants a change of shoes.

  3. Sunglasses: Because missing Walk the Moon play Shut Up and Dance due to a glare would be a massive let down.

4. Camelbak Backpack: Although it may not be the cutest accessory, the importance of hydration during a long day in the sun cannot be stressed enough. Plus, there’s storage room!

5. Lolla Cashless: By linking my credit card to my Lollapalooza wristband, I eliminate the chance of theft.

6. Ibuprofen: Loud music and the hot sun can all trigger a headache.

7. Sunscreen: In an attempt to avoid awkward sundress tan lines.

8. An Open Mind: Because I’ll be meeting a lot of new people and checking out a lot of new music, it’s important to keep my mind wide open, so I can have the best experience possible.Armed with my arsenal of gear, I should be able to make this endeavor a successs.

Armed with my arsenal of gear, I should be able to make this endeavor a success!

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