
College: Penn State

Hometown: Ellicott City, Maryland

Class: 2019

Major: Biology

Celeb Crush: Joseph Gordon Levitt. He's not given enough credit!

Favorite Book: The Great Gatsby

Favorite Song: Chocolate by the 1975

Favorite Movie: Interstellar

Favorite Actor/Actress: Blake Lively

Biography: I was born in San Diego, California, and I grew up partially in Dover, Delaware! My friends extend from the East Coast, all the way down South in Texas, and back up to Cali. I will be attending Penn State UP this fall, my major being Biology at Eberly College of Science. I cannot wait to embark on the journey in Happy Valley, where I have aspired to live for as long as I can remember. When and if I rush in the Spring, I hope to gain a second family at PSU. I already know a few people in Greek there, and I think the purpose of it is to make campus smaller and more manageable.

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