
College: University of Missouri

Hometown: Fenton, Missouri

Class: 2019

Major: Business Administration and Pre Medicine. I plan to be an orthopedist or pediatrician.

Greek or Geed: I do plan on rushing in the fall and am so excited for Greek Life!

Biography: I have always been a very cheerful upbeat person, I was the captain of my junior varsity dance team freshman year, and the spirit leader of my varsity cheerleading squad. In high school i spent a lot of time outside of school helping others. I created a scholarship fund in honor of Cheerleader in my school district who had passed away in a car accident, I raised over $4,000 for the police officer deployed in Ferguson. I rallied a whole community to donate 3 truckloads of food and emergency supplies to the officers serving during the Ferguson crisis. As a Miss Missouri Teen USA finalist and Miss Fenton Teen, i worked with the special olympics of Missouri to  help make a difference in the children's lives. I grew up modeling for Talent Plus/ Centro a very successful modeling and acting agency in St. Louis, this has given me the opportunity to not only get my face into the eyes of the public but also the causes that I support.  I am a very active community member and would love to be the face of the Class Of 2019!

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