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Penn State University: Paige

Extracurricular/Co-Curricular Activities You're Involved In: Sigma Kappa sorority; Rêve Dance Company

How have you changed since you started college?: Since my transition to a near 40,000-student campus two hours away from home, I have learned to survive on my own. Living in the dorms is definitely easier than those living in apartments, but for those coming from comfy houses, the dorm life is a change. Laundry, meals, activities, class: it's all up to you. It is also entirely in your hands to declare a major, make friends, and decide what kind of person you would like to be in your brand new home, where nearly no one knows anything about you. I can't say that I have changed who I am, but it has been amazing to start over and a design a new life.

Biggest Lessons: As many freshmen may say, I would take more time to study. My grades didn't suffer too much this semester, but I know that I did not earn the best grades that I could. This isn't high school anymore and it is not so easy to get by without studying. Time management is most important in learning all necessary material, for all of your classes. Get involved, but don't add too much to your plate that makes it hard to get good grades.

Football Game of the Year: It has absolutely fascinated me to see the dedication to our boys in blue and white. Penn State alumni tailgate like there's no tomorrow and are more than willing to participate in the student section's declared themes. The most memorable weekend this year was the primetime lineup against Rutgers. It was our first "Stripe Out." Sections in Beaver Stadium were divided entirely into blue or white. I mistakenly questioned if all of the game-goers would actually participate to the fullest extent. With a simple google search of "Penn State Stripe Out," you can see where I was wrong. Rutgers students claimed that Penn State was their true football rival. During the 8:00pm game under the lights, our players proved them wrong with a final score: Nittany Lions 28 - Scarlet Knights 3. Penn State is in fact, in many aspects, UNRIVALED.

From a scale of 1-10, how well do you think your first semester went?: I think that my first semester at Penn State in University Park would be a solid 8. State College, PA has lived up to my expectations while exceeding them in most ways. I love my roommate, I've made amazing friends, and I wasn't even homesick (...sorry Mom)! I was a little busy and sometimes felt overwhelmed, consequently leading me a little astray from my studies. Overall, it has been amazing and I am expecting a 10 for Spring Semester!

Favorite/Most Memorable Experience: My most memorable experience was performing, twice, in Greek Sing 2015. Sororities and fraternities are matched up to perform a 6 minute movie or musical on stage in front of hundreds of other students. We worked for weeks to perfect our version of "Into The Woods." I was a featured dancer and had an awesome partner to dance with. We did not end up winning, but scored high and won best set. It was a lot of work, but was totally worth seeing the show come together.

I was the only student to perform twice in Greek Sing. I performed the final, exhibition performance with the brand new dance team on campus, Rêve Dance Company. I auditioned after learning about the team in an involvement fair, knowing nothing of the excitement that was to come. Greek Sing was our largest performance this year and we've heard quite a ton of talk from students enjoying and respecting what our team has to offer. We've definitely achieved our goal of making a name for ourselves on such a huge campus. (We will even be performing at the Penn State Dance Marathon benefitting childhood cancer in February!) Many good things are to come, look out for videos on our Youtube Channel and facebook!

New Year Resolutions: In my opinion, resolutions are awesome, but shouldn't stress you out either! My New Year Resolution is simply to remember that with so many changes, influences, and pressure, that no one's life will be perfect. An old friend once told me, "Never stop being you." I will be true to myself. When times get rough, people come and people go. Sometimes, you are all that you've got. Listen to those who support you and disregard those who don't. I won't let anyone bring me down or dull my sparkle in 2016. Neither should you.

Song of the Year: Love Yourself by Justin Bieber

Anything Else?: The freshman 15 doesn't exist unless you make it! So, good luck to all of you college students! Get good grades, call your parents, indulge in your favorite off-campus meal once in awhile, and have the time of your life....starting now!